AIS partners with Chulalongkorn Business School for extra-curricular syllabi


AIS has teamed up with Chulalongkorn Business School for a brand new syllabus, “Strategic Leadership in the Future Digital by CBS x AIS”. The course aims to educate through the experiences of professionals expert in management strategy, marketing, technology and innovation. They are passing on this wealth of knowledge and experience to the younger generation to promote leadership and get graduates ready to do business in the age of digital.

AIS Chief Executive Somchai Lertsutiwong said, “AIS has an ongoing mission of providing knowledge to Thais, by creating opportunities giving them access to modern courses of learning on platforms of the AIS Academy. These improve abilities and enable self-development which are aligned with the rapidly changing global and technological context.

This is achieved through AIS’ resilience in terms of network and intelligent digital tech, and operates under the slogan, “Think in Advance”. Thai people have the right to be continually upskilled for better understanding of keeping up with changing digital technology efficiently. Besides becoming expert and identifying directions in the digital world, AIS teams are a part of sustainably powering the country’s human capital.

“Today, this has become the collaboration between AIS and Chula Business School in putting together our syllabus, “Strategic Leadership in the Future Digital by CBS x AIS. This is focused on developing critical thinking skills to make strategic decisions. The content covers the impact of digital on decision making and analysis which is data-driven for commercial advantage with a digital marketing strategy. Promoting innovation of operations as a digital entrepreneur and building networks for mutual growth also involves tech use cases and innovations driving corporate success. Experts from AIS in every field are sharing their experiences with undergrads and postgrads of Chulalongkorn Business School. This will promote leadership and prep the youngsters for digital challenges in the business future.”

Prof Dr Wilert Phuriwat, Dean of Chulalongkorn Business School (CBS) said, “We have been looking at prioritizing current business trends as a topic, particularly as we get increasingly more digital, we must develop the courses in syllabi to keep up. We must also promote students to have the necessary diverse knowledge and skill set to flourish in the world of business. This includes practical training in real time situations, which is the policy of the School, which has set up Chulalongkorn Business Enterprise as a company that aims to be viable for practical use at the School, so students can develop their potential and add to their skill sets, on a continuous 4 year course.

“In this collaboration with AIS, we are looking at the potential of these professional experts with great business experience and knowledge of digital technology. They are mentoring both undergraduate and graduate students. Courses are also open to alumni and interested members of the public. Meanwhile, being an educational institution qualified in business management and expertise in human development, the school has also provided highly qualified lecturers to exchange knowledge about digital marketing and digital engagement to the AIS experts. Our target is to become a Digital Social Enterprise School, in the practice of training quality personnel who will have a strong position doing business in the digital world, which is coupled with sharing in society, and aligned with the school’s concept of Real Business in the School”.

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