Omron donates equipment measure blood pressure support Hypertension awareness


Omron Healthcare Thailand, a leading provider of home blood pressure monitoring devices, has aligned itself with the Thai Hypertension Association to combat the growing public health concern of hypertension in Thailand. As part of this initiative, Omron Healthcare has pledged to supply blood pressure monitors to the Association. This collaboration underscores the urgent need to address hypertension amidst its increasing prevalence and associated health risks.

The Rising Threat of Hypertension in Thailand

Data released by the Thai Hypertension Association and the Ministry of Public Health paints a concerning picture of escalating hypertension rates in Thailand. New cases spiked dramatically in 2023, reaching 507,104. Factors such as workplace stress, unhealthy dietary habits, and a modern, fast-paced lifestyle contribute to this trend, creating a significant socioeconomic burden.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Omron Healthcare aligns with the International Society of Hypertension in designating May as Blood Pressure Measurement Month. This global campaign aims to increase hypertension awareness through free blood pressure screenings, encouraging self-monitoring for early detection of this potentially dangerous condition.

Mr. Yusuke Kato, Managing Director of Omron Healthcare (Thailand) Co., Ltd., emphasizes the critical importance of measuring blood pressure daily. This practice can empower individuals with insights into their cardiovascular health, allowing for proactive measures and informed healthcare decisions.

Addressing the Knowledge Gap

Assoc. Prof. Weranuj Roubsanthisuk of the Hypertension Department, Faculty of Medicine at Siriraj Hospital, highlights a crucial challenge in hypertension management – the lack of awareness and misconceptions surrounding the disease. Even as hypertension rates climb, many individuals remain unaware of their condition. Furthermore, some may disregard the need for medical intervention in the absence of symptoms, unaware of the severe long-term health consequences.

This knowledge gap contributes to poor treatment adherence. Among patients diagnosed with hypertension, a large percentage fails to take medication as prescribed or to seek ongoing medical support. This significantly undermines efforts to manage the disease and reduce the risk of complications that can strain both individual well-being and societal resources.

Mr. Yusuke Kato, Managing Director of Omron Healthcare (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

National Trends and Collaborative Efforts

Detailed health surveys reveal a steady rise in hypertension cases across Thailand over the last two decades. The Hypertension Association of Thailand is actively addressing this health crisis with several key initiatives.

  • Healthcare Professional Education: Recognizing the need for up-to-date knowledge and resources within the medical community, the association prioritizes training programs for doctors, nurses, and pharmacists on advanced blood pressure monitoring techniques and innovative treatment options.

  • Patient Empowerment: Public awareness campaigns such as #BecauseIsayso utilize digital platforms to disseminate essential information and resources for individuals with hypertension.

  • Global Collaboration: Alignment with the World Hypertension League enables participation in the annual May Measurement Month campaign, facilitating data collection and offering guidance to individuals with high blood pressure readings.

Recommendations and Call to Action

The Hypertension Association of Thailand strongly urges preventive measures to reduce the risk of developing hypertension. These include limiting salt intake, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol, practicing regular exercise, adopting stress management techniques, and conducting frequent self-monitoring of blood pressure.

All adults over 18 are encouraged to monitor their blood pressure. Those with readings exceeding 140/90 mm.Hg, or those identified as having risk factors, should seek prompt medical attention for diagnosis and treatment.

By joining forces with stakeholders like Omron Healthcare and prioritizing public health awareness initiatives, the Hypertension Association of Thailand aims to reduce the escalating impact of hypertension on both individuals and the nation’s overall health.

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