APEC Drives Sustainable Tourism, Balancing Economic Growth and Conservation


APEC is advancing sustainable tourism, focusing on economic growth alongside environmental conservation and social responsibility, with the Tourism Strategic Plan 2025-2029 as a key driver.

Dr. Rebecca Sta Maria, Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat, emphasized the importance of balancing economic growth and environmental sustainability, particularly in the tourism sector, which can be a double-edged sword. While generating revenue and local economic development, it can also impact the environment and culture that we seek to preserve.

APEC has implemented projects aligned with the Putrajaya Vision 2040, focusing on strong, balanced, secure, sustainable, and inclusive growth. Notable projects include community-based tourism, sustainable tourism evaluation tools, green recovery strategies in rural tourism, youth involvement in sustainable tourism development, and sustainable vocational education in tourism.

In May 2023, APEC launched a community-based tourism website to promote micro, small, and medium-sized tourism enterprises (MSMEs) in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Tourism Strategic Plan 2025-2029 will guide future sustainable and inclusive tourism, prioritizing environmental conservation, mitigating climate change impacts, and promoting inclusivity for informal workers, women, indigenous entrepreneurs, and people with disabilities.

APEC also emphasizes supporting tourism workers’ transition to the formal economy, focusing on digital and financial skills development, access to digital tools and platforms, and health and social protection policies.

APEC’s sustainable tourism drive presents a significant opportunity for businesses and entrepreneurs to adapt and prepare for future challenges, particularly in environmental conservation, climate change, and social responsibility.

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