DES Minister Inspects NT’s CBC Emergency Alert System


Thailand’s Minister of Digital Economy and Society (DES) visited National Telecom (NT) to assess the readiness of the Cell Broadcasting Center (CBC), an emergency alert system designed to mitigate risks to life and property while enhancing safety for businesses and tourism. The CBC is expected to link with the central government’s command center, enabling real-time alerts to citizens without requiring any app downloads. The system is designed to cover the entire country and meet international standards, thereby boosting investor confidence and stimulating the economy and tourism.

Mr. Prasert Chanthararuangthong, the DES Minister, oversaw the assessment of the CBC system at NT, the provider of my by NT and NT Mobile networks. The CBC is a key government project aimed at modernizing the national alert system, making it more efficient and accessible to the entire population, especially during natural disasters or emergencies.

The CBC operates by sending alert messages directly from mobile phone signal towers to all mobile phones within a designated area, eliminating the need for users to download or install any additional applications. This ensures rapid and comprehensive alerts to the public.

The development and implementation of the CBC involve collaboration between the public and private sectors. The government sets policies and standards, while private entities like NT play a crucial role in developing and providing the service.

While the CBC offers numerous benefits, challenges remain, such as raising public awareness about the system and coordinating among relevant agencies. However, if effectively implemented, the CBC will be a vital tool for enhancing safety and strengthening Thailand’s economy.

(Center) Mr. Prasert Chanthararuangthong, Minister of Digital Economy and Society (DES) (Left) Colonel Sanpachai Huvanant, President of National Telecom Public Company Limited (NT)

The Cell Broadcast Center (CBC) developed by National Telecom Public Company Limited (NT) has been confirmed for its effectiveness in alerting people of various disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and other emergencies quickly and accurately. The system sends alert messages directly to the mobile phones of users in at-risk areas without the need to install additional applications.

This represents a significant business opportunity in several areas, including:

  • Development of applications and value-added services: Businesses can develop applications and value-added services linked to the CBC system to provide useful information to users in emergency situations, such as evacuation routes, shelter locations, or contact information for various aid agencies.
  • Marketing and advertising: The CBC system can be used as a channel for marketing and advertising communications to target audiences effectively,especially in emergency situations where people need useful and timely information.
  • Insurance: Insurance companies can use data from the CBC system to assess risk and develop insurance products that better meet customer needs, such as natural disaster insurance or personal accident insurance.
  • Tourism: The CBC system will help increase confidence and safety for tourists,making Thailand a more attractive destination for foreign tourists, which will benefit the tourism industry and the overall economy.

Benefits for the public:

  • Safety of life and property: The CBC system will help reduce loss of life and property from various disasters by providing fast and accurate alerts, enabling people to prepare and evacuate in a timely manner.
  • Access to information: The public will have easier and faster access to useful information in emergency situations through alerts on their mobile phones.
  • Confidence in the government: An effective CBC system will help build public confidence in the government’s ability to manage disasters and emergencies.

In addition, the CBC system will help significantly reduce economic losses from various disasters, especially in business and industrial sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism. Furthermore, the CBC system is an investment in telecommunications infrastructure that will help enhance Thailand’s competitiveness in the long run.

Upon completion, NT’s CBC system will be ready to connect with the government’s central command center through the Cell Broadcast Entities (CBE) system to fully function in linking the country’s warning systems. This will allow the public to receive real-time updates on situations through their mobile phones without needing any applications. The CBC system works by sending alert messages through mobile phone signal towers in the affected areas, and these alerts will appear on the screens of all mobile phones in that area.

The CBC system is a significant step for Thailand in utilizing technology for disaster and emergency management. It will enhance public safety, reduce economic losses, and build confidence among investors and foreign tourists. The CBC is not only an investment in Thailand’s future but also a significant business opportunity for the private sector to develop new products and services that meet the needs of consumers in the digital age.

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