Thai Higher Education Institutions Shine on the Global Stage for Sustainability


Bangkok, Thailand – The Global Sustainable Development Congress 2024, held in Bangkok, Thailand, has generated excitement and pride within the Thai higher education sector, with several Thai universities anticipated to rank highly in the upcoming THE Impact Rankings, which assess universities worldwide on their progress towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Phil Baty, Chief Global Affairs Officer of Times Higher Education (THE), the organization behind the rankings, commended Thai universities for their leadership in global sustainability, particularly in integrating SDGs into teaching, research, and community engagement.

Baty emphasized the importance of collaboration between universities, government, the private sector, and civil society in achieving the SDGs. He stated, “This congress provides an excellent opportunity for all sectors to exchange knowledge and build collaborative networks to drive sustainable development together.”

Furthermore, Baty highlighted the prominence of Southeast Asia, especially Thailand, as a leader in sustainability. “We are delighted to host this congress in Bangkok, a hub for sustainability initiatives in the region,” he said.


4 Key Factors in Assessing University Sustainability Performance

Baty outlined the four key factors used by the THE Impact Rankings to assess university performance in sustainability:

  1. Research: Generating new knowledge related to the SDGs, with an emphasis on research that has a tangible impact on society and the environment.
  2. Teaching: Instilling knowledge and skills related to sustainability in students through curriculum enhancements, extracurricular activities, and hands-on learning opportunities.
  3. Stewardship: Managing university resources and operations sustainably, including efficient energy use, waste management, greenhouse gas reduction, and promoting diversity and equality.
  4. Outreach: Applying university knowledge and resources to address social and environmental challenges through community engagement projects, partnerships, and public policy advocacy.

Thai Universities Excel in Teaching and Community-Based Research

Student surveys reveal a high level of awareness and commitment to sustainability among Thai students. Additionally, Thai universities excel in community-based research that addresses local needs.

Prof. Dr. Supachai Pathumnakul, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI), stated, “Thai universities already have a strong foundation in sustainability work, particularly in community engagement and addressing local issues.” He further added, “Thai universities are ready to step onto the global stage, especially in community-based research, which is our strength. However, we need to enhance the quality of our research and its presentation at the international level.”


Chulalongkorn University: Striving for Global Leadership in Sustainability

Chulalongkorn University is a prime example of a Thai university that has successfully integrated the SDGs into all aspects of its operations. It is expected to be among the top-ranking Thai universities in the upcoming THE Impact Rankings.

Prof. Dr. Wiwat Rojanapithayakorn, President of Chulalongkorn University, said, “Chulalongkorn focuses not only on developing knowledge and technology but also on instilling a sense of sustainability in our students and staff.”

Prof. Dr. Wiwat emphasized Chulalongkorn’s commitment to being a global leader in sustainability. “We will continue to innovate and develop solutions to address social and environmental challenges,” he said.

The Future of Sustainability in Thai Higher Education

The upcoming THE Impact Rankings will be a testament to Thailand’s commitment and potential in advancing the SDGs. It will also serve as a catalyst for Thai universities to continuously improve and become global leaders in sustainability.

With collaboration and dedication from all sectors, Thailand is poised to achieve the SDGs and create a sustainable future for generations to come.

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