Unilever Thailand’s Gateway Factory Achieves 100% Renewable Energy Milestone


Unilever Thailand, a leading global consumer goods manufacturer, has announced a significant sustainability achievement. Its Gateway factory, a food production facility, has become the first in Thailand to be certified as using 100% renewable energy.

Ms. Panitnath Jumruspun, Food Production Director of Unilever Thailand, revealed that this achievement is a result of the company’s commitment to reducing its environmental impact and operating sustainably. Unilever aims to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2039.

The Gateway factory has implemented various measures to reduce energy consumption and transition to renewable energy sources. Four key factors contributed to this success:

  1. Efficient Waste Management: The Gateway factory achieved Zero Waste to Landfill certification in 2014,meaning all waste is repurposed without landfilling or incineration.
    • Food waste is used as animal feed for local farmers.
    • Other waste, such as paper and plastic, is recycled.
    • Wastewater is treated and reused in collaboration with the industrial estate.
  2. Biomass Steam Generation: The factory has switched from fuel oil to 100% biomass energy, sourced sustainably with no environmental impact. Additionally, the steam boiler system has been upgraded to enhance production efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
  3. Renewable Electricity Sources: The factory utilizes electricity from the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) and has installed rooftop solar panels to generate its own electricity, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  4. Environmentally Friendly Refrigerants: Since 2020, the factory has stopped using ozone-depleting refrigerants and transitioned to refrigerants with low global warming potential (GWP).

The Gateway factory’s achievement aligns with both Unilever’s global emission reduction goals and Thailand’s national renewable energy targets.


Key Success Factors

Ms. Panitnath outlined the key factors contributing to the Gateway factory’s success in achieving 100% renewable energy use:

  1. Management Support: Strong support and commitment from top management towards sustainability initiatives.
  2. Clear Roadmap: Well-defined long-term and short-term plans with regular monitoring and evaluation.
  3. Teamwork: Collaboration and open communication across all departments within the factory.
  4. Employee Engagement: Encouraging all employees to participate in energy and waste reduction efforts.

Challenges and Solutions

Despite the achievement, challenges remain, such as ensuring a sufficient supply of biomass fuel and reducing Scope 3 emissions related to the entire supply chain.

Unilever Thailand is committed to continuous improvement in its sustainability efforts and aims to replicate the Gateway factory’s success in other facilities across the country.

Lessons for Other Businesses

The Gateway factory’s achievement serves as a model for other businesses seeking to reduce their environmental impact and operate sustainably. Ms. Panitnath suggests that businesses starting their sustainability journey should begin with small steps and gradually expand their efforts. Clear communication with employees at all levels is crucial to ensure everyone understands and participates in driving the organization towards sustainability.

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